Do you find yourself lying awake at night asking yourself…
Is this all there is?
Why am I doing this?
What about what I need?
What is the point of all of this?
Why am I putting my life off any longer?
Then you’re in the right place!
Guidance 1:1
Book a discovery call today to learn how I can help you get unstuck, call in love, design a new life or move through a transition.
VIP Retreats
luxury dive into conscious creativity
Pamper and indulge yourself in a nourishing and exotic journey of sensory pleasure - artfully expressed in your home or abroad
Art Journeys
Healing painting immersions for personal and planetary transformation, explore your own inner landscape.
Creative themes for self-discovery and healing
From a weekend immersion to a year-long magical adventure, explore your inner landscape through painting and guided introspection.
Initiate a new pathway home in FLOW
enjoy the beauty and simple pleasures
of life in sacred reverence
Release your inner wild woman
Transmute your phantom fears
Awaken the Artist Within
Invoking Your seven inner archetypes
Guidance &
1:1 Counsel and support
I don’t know you yet but there is a reason you are here. You are called because you are ready for a shift in your life.
Whether it’s a new relationship with yourself, your partner or someone new.
Or you maybe you’re simply discontent with your life and how it’s going.
One thing I know is true, everyone who comes to me is in a struggle, they are ready for change.
Ultimately they are ready to cross a threshold towards something new, yet unknown - that may even feel scary
CREATIVE experiential approach…
A mystical journey inwards - so that you have access to your own information and deeper layers of awareness.
As a guide, you are invited to share in this collaborative process towards expanding self-awareness.
What’s unique about this approach is the use of intuition and imagination; which may include visioning, drawing and journaling by both the guide and client during the process. When working together - the energy field of each person interacts and overlaps to create a collaborative field and space for exciting new possibilities.
Ready to dive in? Fill out the discovery form below to initiate your journey!
Bespoke Experiences
created just for you
Once-in-a-lifetime Soulful Art Journeys in Bali & Mexico
travel adventure - cultural immersions
Customized itineraries
Your Luxury Train ride
Reservations are a must
So I can make the perfect itinerary
Planning is my specialty
I hope the trip exceeds your expectations and you enjoy the ride
I want you to have what your heart desires
All you have to do is say yes
Make yourself a priority
This trip may be a trip of a lifetime
Something you’ve only dreamt of….
You will be welcomed aboard (a great welcome)
Think pink purple sparkly confetti!
I am so glad you are here
I have been waiting for you!
I have something very special planned for our time together!
We will take the scenic route
Many stops along the way
We’ll take our time there is no need to rush
Leisure is a must
We’ll enjoy the sights and sounds
We’ll indulge in the savoury and delicious-
think 7 course meal
Everything on the menu is included as this is exclusive and all inclusive
I don’t cut corners
I believe in excellence
It’s not just a destination to me but a lifestyle
You will have the option of a private rail car (private coaching)
Think VIP
The private space is spacious so you can stretch
There will be time between sessions for you to rest
I have many options for you to choose (tools in my chest)
Destinations to explore
This is your journey
So you decide where you want to go
I am a teacher so I will teach you what you need to know
How to get there
How to get home (home to self)
Sometimes the answers come to me when I am on my mat
I have studied and practiced what I teach
Your dreams are within your reach
Let me take you where you want to go
I would be honored to be your guide
On this very special train ride
If you’re ready now, then go ahead and hit the button below