Intentional Creativity®


Intentional Creativity® is a magical journey through the portal of your canvas using your paintbrush as a wand of intuitive intention!

Visioning and direct inquiry leads to a dip into cosmic alchemical consciousness as you go on a treasure hunt to discover the colors, symbols, twilight imagery and soul language to  bring your ideas into form. Many surprising messages show up in your painting! Old worn out stories are turned into compost for creating new gardens of possibilities.

Similar to dance, music, yogic and meditative practices, Intentional Creativity enables you to engage directly into flow state.

It is a 13 step mystical process that creates a bridge into nonlinear time to explore and activate a pathway between the hand, heart and the mysterious space between imagination and consciousness.

The ideas streaming into our minds are intuitively brought into form by utilizing both the left and right hemispheres of the brain which in turn brings mindful focus to our creations - alchemizing paint and inquiry . Its a simple yet elegant  - sometimes messy,  process to access and connect to our inner wisdom.

Intentional Creativity often brings Illumination and healing to our hidden wounds as stuck energy is moved from inside our body, out through our hands and onto the canvas and painting.

Intentional Creativity can be tailored to almost any theme enabling unlimited exploration, self discovery and self expression. It can be an intentional blessing of beauty for oneself, others or entire communities Celebrations, rites of passage, processing grief, transitions, endings and beginnings can all be fertile ground for powerful paintings and creations.

Many of us yearn for self expression yet do not know how to go about removing our masks of social conformity. While caught up in the increasing complexity and distractions of our daily lives;  our endless  ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’ represses our most intimate dreams and desires.

 Intentional Creativity is an empowering process that reveals the hidden parts of ourselves and brings them into our conscious awareness! In turn, leading to joyful and inspiring self expression. This journey often includes a reclamation of long lost and forgotten fragments of ourselves that have been buried subconsciously since our childhood. These lost, precious aspects call to us…. until the energetic spark of the paintbrush ignites them and brings them back fully into our awareness!

Come journey with me in experiencing the beautiful and inspirational benefits of this powerful and playful modality!
